Case Study

Event Management with HYVE

Industry: Retail

Industry: Retail

Type: Clothing

Corporate vs Franchise: Corporate

Number of Locations: 50

The Challenge

  • To drive awareness, traffic, and sales through the grand opening time frame while establishing brand loyalty and engaging with local consumers.
  • Request of turn-key support inclusive of on-site event management.
  • Goal of $1 Million in sales over the first week of opening.

Our Approach

  • Create a “can’t miss” event inclusive of innovative branded components.
  • Engaging activities for all that attend.
  • Communicate the new store and grand opening via targeted media and outreach including:
    • Direct Mail
    • Street Teams
    • Billboard Placement
    • Signage
    • And More!
  • Collection of attendee information for database.
  • Incentive to return (bounceback).

The Results

  • 1 Million Sales goals exceeded with 1.4M in the first week.
  • Traffic and event attendance doubled from previous efforts.
  • 500% increase in consumer data collection.
  • Sustained sales past grand opening at a rate of 8% over projected.

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