Marketing your business can feel overwhelming when you’re faced with reduced budgets and staffing, ever changing pandemic pivots and an overly competitive climate. Or maybe you’re growing faster than you can keep up with. That’s where UMI comes in! Working as an extension of your team we will be with you every step of the way taking the strain off your resources. We know industry-specific demands, outreach methods that produce REAL results, and most importantly, how to address your pain points.
Get to know UMI and learn how we make it our mission to help multi-unit business owners like you. Let us be the key to your success!
How is UMI unique?
Simply put, we offer the ability to fully support every aspect of your marketing strategy in a turn-key fashion (from start to finish, concept to implementation). While most agencies specialize in one aspect of the marketing process, we do it all, providing a one-stop-shop for all your needs. We understand your struggles in trying to do more with less and we guarantee our ability to provide efficiencies and maximize your marketing dollars.
I’m not a big brand with a huge budget yet. Can I afford UMI?
You don’t need a “big brand budget” to work with UMI. We customize every support plan to meet YOUR unique needs in a modular format because let’s face it, no two clients are the same so why should their support plan be?
How is UMI’s platform different from my current print portal?
Your current portal may accommodate your print on demand requirements and may be “good enough.” But can it grow with you and fully support your operators at the capacity you need? UMI’s SNAP platform is much more than a print portal. It is a robust tool built with your brand’s needs in mind. From customized print on demand materials to trade area data, store profiling systems to integration of performance data, turn-key marketing initiatives to HR materials – it is built to accommodate your needs today, tomorrow and long-term in an evolutionary way that will have you up and running quickly.
How customizable is the platform?
Every brand has different goals. Whether you’re an emerging concept needing to generate awareness, or an established brand targeting expansion, UMI has you covered with our custom SNAP platform. Every aspect of the platform is customized for you – from the login experience and homepage design to the location profiles and initial materials and modules selected for launch.
Is this realistic with my budget and bandwidth?
That’s exactly why we designed the SNAP platform in a modular way. We will help you prioritize your short term goals, have your site up and running in as little as 30 days with minimal effort from your end. We will then develop a strategic plan that brings additional functionality, capabilities, and materials to your operators each quarter to ensure the platform is growing with your brand needs and goals!
Is there an approval process on the platform?
One of the goals of the platform is to take the minutiae of each locations’ needs off your plate. As we develop materials for the site, pre-approved assets and creative will be utilized to ensure brand consistency and compliance reducing the need for incremental one-off approval. In the event that further approval is needed, an easy-to-use approval queue module can be added to the platform.
Can UMI house and manage inventory for me?
Absolutely! We have an onsite warehouse and world-class full time logistics team to ensure that all orders and inventory are managed with the utmost care whether that’s gift cards, uniforms, signage, and everything in between.
What are the next steps?
Let’s chat! From there we will customize and tailor a plan to fit your needs and budget, then we get to work!
Excited about UMI? Click here to get in touch today!