Outsourcing Your Traditional Marketing with HYVE: A Strategic Approach

Oct 19,2024

In a world where marketing strategies continue to evolve at a rapid pace, traditional marketing has maintained its relevance. It’s a powerful tool to reach those who aren’t always online and to establish credibility in the eyes of consumers. According to a recent survey by Business2Marketing, 79% of respondents reported reading direct mail ads, with 56% considering print marketing the most trustworthy form of advertising. However, while traditional marketing remains essential, the landscape has expanded significantly, with new methods emerging monthly.

Today, factors such as cost savings, the pace of change, and labor market dynamics make it an opportune time to consider redirecting your focus from an in-house traditional marketing team to outsourcing. In this article, we’ll explore why outsourcing your traditional marketing efforts with HYVE  is a strategic move, backed by data and over two decades of expertise.

Five Reasons to Consider Outsourcing in 2023

1. Labor Market: Recruiting and retaining a skilled marketing team can be a daunting challenge. Especially when you’re working with traditional marketing. Sourcing and fulfillment are often time-consHYVE  ng and can even be monotomous, and we all know what happens to staff that feels under-utilized or unchallenged- they quit or they don’t do their best work. Outsourcing mundane tasks removes the burden of finding and retaining traditional marketing talent, it also helps ensure continuity in service, delivery, and results.

2. Costs: The cost of maintaining an in-house marketing team is rising steadily. Salaries, benefits, and overhead costs add up, especially as you grow, one person can only do so much. Outsourcing offers a cost-effective solution with a fixed budget for a defined scope of work that expands and grows with you without adding unnecessary costs. In addition to the rising cost of manpower, the cost of acquiring materials on a need basis isn’t the best way to ensure you’re getting a great value for your products. At HYVE  we’ve fostered close relationships with dozens of vendors across the country. These strong relationships help ensure you save an average of 17% across the board on marketing materials and fulfillment.

3. Broader Skillsets: By reallocating the budget for a small in-house marketing team that’s stretched thin to an outsourced distributed marketing agency, you gain access to a diverse range of skills for the same investment. You also can retain your marketing team, but allow them to shift their focus to innovating and improving the brand’s overall strategy. The time they spent in the weeds looking for products, corresponding with vendors, and tracking fulfillment can be reinvested in strategy so your brand continues to grow.

4. Faster to market: Outsourcing with HYVE  means your brand gains access to our extensive and experienced logistics and fulfillment team. Our centrally located warehouse, dedicated warehouse staff, and unparalleled quality control give your brand a leg up on the competition by allowing you to realize a 60% faster-to-market deployment of marketing materials. This translates to a higher return on your investment, an increase in awareness, and most of all, peace of mind.

5. Expertise: Marketing and communications are rapidly evolving fields. Staying ahead of the curve requires a continuous investment in new technologies and strategies. Outsourcing places this responsibility on the shoulders of the agency you hire, ensuring you stay competitive. Let us focus on innovating the materials you go to market with and the way you do it. We’ve pioneered a unique technology platform we affectionately refer to as the S.N.A.P. Platform TM. This platform is designed to stand alone or drop into your existing store management system. Tools like this are what sets HYVE  apart, we are continuously looking at ways we can improve our client experience.

Who Uses Outsourced Marketing?

Outsourcing has advantages for companies of all sizes and across all industries. Whether you run a small startup or a large corporation, outsourcing can help you focus on your core competencies while letting experts handle your marketing needs.

The modern business landscape recognizes the benefits of outsourcing non-core tasks to concentrate on their core objectives. As the world becomes more aware of this idea, businesses are adopting outsourcing strategies to achieve their goals more efficiently.

Why Outsource Traditional Marketing?

Marketing is crucial for business growth, but many companies struggle to allocate the time and resources necessary to create and implement effective marketing strategies. Outsourcing offers several advantages over maintaining an in-house team, including cost savings, flexibility, access to the latest tools and industry knowledge, and the ability to scale marketing initiatives as needed.

Five Reasons to Outsource Your Marketing Initiatives

1. Increased Competitive Edge: Marketing plans may be in place, but executing them effectively often requires more time and resources than businesses can spare. Outsourcing allows you to leverage the expertise of professionals who can turn your ideas into reality.

2. Overcoming Time and Resource Constraints: Many business owners have ambitious marketing plans but lack the time and budget to execute them consistently. Outsourcing ensures that your marketing ideas are prioritized and implemented effectively.

3. Higher Return on Investment: While outsourcing comes with fees, it often proves more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house marketing team. Accessing a team of marketing experts for less than the cost of new full-time employees can lead to substantial savings.

4. Fresh Perspectives: Outsourcing brings in external perspectives that can inject fresh, original ideas into your marketing campaigns. Working with objective seasoned professionals in areas like branding, content generation, and graphic design can lead to innovative solutions.

5. Specialized Attention: Outsourcing is particularly valuable for specialized marketing projects that require extensive time, expertise, and resources, such as website redesigns, rebranding initiatives, content marketing strategies, or media relations campaigns.

How to Outsource Marketing

The decision to outsource is significant, and it requires both a financial commitment and a collaborative working relationship between your company and the outsourcing partner. You have three options for outsourcing:

Completely outsource your marketing: Entrust all your marketing initiatives to an external agency.

Maintain all internal marketing efforts: Continue with your in-house team for some tasks while outsourcing others.

Combine internal and external marketing efforts: Strike a balance between internal and external resources based on your specific needs.

The right choice depends on your unique circumstances, including financial resources and the skill set of your existing in-house team.


Outsourcing your traditional marketing with HYVE  offers numerous benefits, including faster delivery, minimal errors, and significant time savings that can be reinvested in strategic efforts. HYVE  boasts a remarkable track record of delivering materials to market 60% faster on average, maintaining an error rate of less than 1%, and saving you and your staff thousands of man-hours per year. By outsourcing mundane tasks, you can empower your employees to focus on more challenging and engaging responsibilities.

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, outsourcing to HYVE  can be a game-changer, allowing your business to stay ahead of the curve while reaping the benefits of cost-effective, high-quality marketing solutions. It’s time to consider the advantages of outsourcing your traditional marketing to HYVE  and experience the transformative impact it can have on your brand’s success.

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